Saturday, September 15, 2012

My Family Culture

It's never easy to have to imagine a major catastrophe that could impact your life, as well as your immediate family's life so drastically.  But I think it is assignments like this one that really help remind us what is really important in our lives, especially when it comes to our family and our family's beliefs and cultures.

So with this in mind the three items I would take with to another country would all be related to my family and our family's cultures.  Since I would definitely want both of my children to know about their family's history and our culture, the first item would be a photo album that my Grandmother gave me a long time ago, that has all kinds of photos and mementos of family members from both her family, and my Grandfather's family that goes back many generations ago.  It has always been something very special to me, something that always made me feel very connected to all my family and especially to my culture.

The second Items I would take with me is both my children's baby books.  It would be extremely important for me to be able to have both my son and my daughter's baby books, so I would be able to share all those special moments from both their births and first couple years of each of their life's with them.  I also think it's important for them to also have those precious mementos so they can hopefully one day be able share them with their own children.

And finally the third item I would take with me is my family's bible, Especially since it is our Bible that represents for us, our family's Catholic background.  A family faith that is a huge part of not only our family's customs, but also our beliefs as Catholics.  And I believe it is this bible that will also enable me to be able to continue to teach, as well as share with my children and the rest of my family all our religious faiths and beliefs in our culture.  And it is these three things that I would definitely have to stress to the emergency government just how important these items are to me and my family, because they are things that represent our family's beliefs and customs that come only from our culture.  And I also believe in order to preserve , as well as continue to instill those same value and beliefs to my own children, it is essential that I bring these items with me to a new country.

I would be distraught if once I arrived to this foreign country and I was told I would be able to only keep one item with me, but I know it definitely would have to be my children's baby books.  And the reason for that is because I think it's more important that I have those special mementos of each of their life's to be able to visually share with them and that they can also have to hopefully share with their own children one day.  And even though the two other items are just as equally important, I think that they are things that I can still share with them myself.  Through oral communication and by also sharing with them all about our family's history, and most importantly about the beliefs and customs that have resulted from this very special family culture.

In conclusion I really feel like I gained a lot of important insights, both personally and professionally.  Through this assignment it really has allowed me to think about my family, as well as all our beliefs and customs that we have gained through our own family culture.  And even those my beliefs and my culture has always been a huge factor in my life, I now see the extreme importance of preserving it for future generations.  In order for future generation, including my own children, to be able to really learn about our family's beliefs and traditions, past and present, so they can one day continue to share all that we hold sacred in our family's culture.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for sharing these specials things that mean so much to you and your family. Baby books are such a precious thing to have to remember when children are little, I hope when I have children they mean this much to me too.
    Thank you for also sharing your story about your grandmothers rings with me. It was really touching to hear from another person who loved their grandmother so much and has something to remember her by.
