Friday, June 1, 2012

Getting To Know Your International Contacts- Part 2

Since I still haven't received any responses from my International Contacts I decided to view the current newsletter as well as review the website I received in an E-mail from The Organization Children's Defense Fund. 


In reviewing the current newsletter I also viewed some upcoming workshops and speakers for the upcoming Conference scheduled for July and presented by The Organization Children's Defense fund.


I was am very interested in two of the upcoming workshops one presented by Cathy Grace, from Children's Defense Fund, and the other by Janine G. Bacquie, of Montgomery County (MD) Public Schools.

The first workshop entitled, What Somebody Else Learned in Kindergarten: CDF's National Campaign for Full-Day K. by Grace centers around the current situation of full or part-time Kindergarten.  "Some children in kindergarten receive 2 1/2 hours of daily instruction, while others receive five or more.  Only 10 states currently require by statute full-day kindergarten as part of the K-12 educational system and other states are rolling back kindergarten programs due to budget cuts" (Grace, 2012)


The second workshop, entitled, "The PreK in Third Grade Initiative: An Approach to Early Care and Education that Delivers Results", by Bacquie discusses two examples of schools and school districts involved in the preK to Third Grade Initiative.


I think both workshops and presenters, as well as all the other workshops sound like very interesting and informative workshops that are very helpful for educators and teachers in the Early Childhood field.


References:  Retrieved from:








1 comment:

  1. Sylvia,
    These are interesting workshop topics to look for. The issue of half-day kindergarten verses full-day is a hot topic and directly affects our field. Thanks for sharing.
