For this week's Blog Assignment I chose to share the Web Resource for the organization
Save the Children:
Save the children is an organization that helps children all around the world. "Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the United states and around the world. Recognized for our commitment to accountability, innovation and collaboration, our work takes us into the heart of communities, where we help children and families help themselves. We work with other organizations, governments, non-profits and a variety of local partners while maintaining our own independence without political agenda or religious orientation" (Save the Children Website).
I also posted a link on my Blog which is a segment that was highlighted on the Today Show, in regards to Early Childhood Education specifically pre-schools. The segment centered around the organization, "Save the Children", who visited one of my own agencies Head-starts here in California, Yucca Valley Early Head-start. The interview segment was also presented by Actress Ambassador for "Save the Children", Jennifer Garner, who stressed the importance of Early Childhood Education and pre-schools today.
Save the Children:
Save the children is an organization that helps children all around the world. "Save the Children is the leading independent organization creating lasting change in the lives of children in need in the United states and around the world. Recognized for our commitment to accountability, innovation and collaboration, our work takes us into the heart of communities, where we help children and families help themselves. We work with other organizations, governments, non-profits and a variety of local partners while maintaining our own independence without political agenda or religious orientation" (Save the Children Website).
I also posted a link on my Blog which is a segment that was highlighted on the Today Show, in regards to Early Childhood Education specifically pre-schools. The segment centered around the organization, "Save the Children", who visited one of my own agencies Head-starts here in California, Yucca Valley Early Head-start. The interview segment was also presented by Actress Ambassador for "Save the Children", Jennifer Garner, who stressed the importance of Early Childhood Education and pre-schools today.
References: Retrieved from:
the Children website Retrieved from:
The Today Show Retrieved from:
It is great to see all the efforts Save the children are making to change the lives of the families they serve. When I invited the site, it brought tears to my eye to discover how many children are suffer from homelesness. There are a lot people becoming advoctes for Save the Children. They need our help.