Sunday, November 25, 2012

Communication Evaluations And Insights

For this weeks assignment of evaluating myself as a communicator and having others also evaluate me, I would definitely have to say that there were some surprises.  For the most part there were a lot of similarities in how I evaluated myself, as well as how the two other people I chose, in regards to the assessments on Communication Anxiety Inventory and Listening Styles Profile.  But for me personally I think the biggest surprise came from my own evaluation of the assessment on the Verbal Aggressiveness Scale.  And not only on how I evaluated myself, but also on how each of the two other people evaluated me.

I stated on this weeks application assignment that I was a little surprised to discover after my own self-evaluation that I actually scored in the second category of the significant level of the Verbal Aggressiveness Scale.  "With little provocation, you might cross the line from"argumentativeness", which attacks a person's position or statements, and verbal aggression, which involves personal attacks and can be hurtful to the listener" ( Rubin, 2009)I think the reason it was such a surprise, is because I don't for one minute consider myself an aggressive person at all, especially when it comes to verbally attacking someone else's position or opinions.  But after reviewing the initial questions from the assessment, I realized that I must have scored this way, at the significant level, due to the kind of person I am.  And even though I am not usually an aggressive person I do know that I will definitely react in a certain manner, if I feel that either I or someone I care about, has been verbally attacked without any provocation.  

The other thing that also surprised be, in regards to this assessment of the Verbal Aggressiveness Scale, is that both of my two chosen evaluators, a colleague and co-worker, and my own sister, did not receive the same results that I did.  My colleague's results of the assessment scored me at the low level of the scale.  "You are respectful of the viewpoints and intelligence of others, and attempt to change their minds with gentle, inoffensive suggestions that do not attack their self-concept" (Rubin, 2009). And for my family member, my sister her evaluations results actually scored me at the moderate level.  "You maintain a good balance between respect and consideration for others' viewpoints, and the ability to argue fairly by attacking the facts of a position rather than the person holding that position" (Rubin, 2009).

So the fact that my scores of the assessments on the Verbal Aggressiveness Scale did differ from my own results, as well as the fact that I actually scored myself at a higher level then each of them really made me begin to wonder.  And also ask myself the question, "When it comes to self-evaluation, are we actually tougher and more critical of ourselves, then others who know us are?".  If I had to now answer this question based on the experience of this assignment, of evaluating ourselves, I would definitely have to say, "Yes".

All in all I would definitely have to say that I really gained some important and relevant insights, especially when it comes to becoming an effective and positive communicator in this field of early childhood studies.  And I believe it is assignments such as this where we have to complete not only self-evaluations, but also have others to evaluate us, is very imperative to us discovering some important facts.  The kind of facts that will help us to not only identify our strengths, but also to help us to be more aware of our own weakenesses as well.  So hopefully one day we then will be able to take the necessary steps of becoming more confident and positive communicators, not only in our personal lives, but also in our professional careers as educators and teachers in the classroom.


Rubin, R. B., Palmgreen, P., & Sypher, H. E. (Eds.) (2009). Communication research measures: A sourcebook. New York: Routledge.

Rubin, R. B., Rubin, A. M., Graham, E. E., Perse, E. M., & Seibold, D. R. (Eds.) (2009). Communication research measures II: A sourcebook. New York: Routledge.



Sunday, November 18, 2012

Changes In Communication Based On Relationships

I would definitely have to say that depended upon the group I am with at the time, I do think that my style of communication reflects that group, and does change based on the group.  And I would think that for most people this is probably true, and that is because we communicate differently based on the kinds of relationships we share.  

In reflecting on my own relationships, both personally and professionally, I do think that my communication style changes depending on what group I might be with at that particular time.  For example, with my family I share more intimate and personal relationships, compared to my relationships at work with my co-workers and colleagues who which I share a some what lesser intimate relationship.  So it is because of this differences in relationships, that I do feel that our communication styles change based on the people or the groups of people we are associating with at that time.

But still no matter what group of people you are associating with, or what communication style you are using at the time, one thing should remain true.  And that truth is the importance of using positive and effective communication at all times.  The kind of communication that involves good listening skills, as well as a great amount of respect and consideration for another persons point of view, and personal perspective.  "Effective listening is challenging, in part, because people often are more focused on what they're saying than on what they're hearing in return" (O'Hair, 2011).

In reflecting on what I have learned these week, in regards to effective communication, there are three strategies that definitely stand out for me, both personally and professionally.  I also think these three strategies will help me to communicate more positively and effectively no matter who the people, or group of people I am communicating with at the time.  My first strategy would be to always be respectful and courteous when dealing with another persons perspective and cultural difference.  My second strategy would be to always no matter what have good listening skills.  And finally my third and final strategy would be to always follow the Platinum rule.  And that is because it is this rule that can help us to not only be more aware of another persons feelings, but also how to respond to those feelings through our own actions and behaviors.  "The goal, according to Bennett, is to attempt to think and feel what another person thinks and feels and to go beyond that by taking positive action toward others in response to your empathic feelings" (Beebe, 2011).

In conclusion I really feel like I have gained a greater understanding and perspective, in regards to positive and effective communication skills.  And also the importance of taking the time to be more aware of my own skills and how to be a more positive and effective communicator, no matter who I am communicating with or what relationship we share. 


O'Hair, D., Friedrich, G. W., & Dixon, L. D. (2011). Strategic communication in business and the professions. Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.

Beebe, S. A., Beebe, S. J., & Redmond, M. V. (2011). Interpersonal communication: Relating to others (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon.


Monday, November 12, 2012

Communication Skills And Styles


For this Blog Assignment I chose to record an 80's comedy sitcom from the Nickelodeon Channel called, "The Roseanne Show".  I vaguely remember this 80's t.v. show, I think I may have watched it once or twice, but I really didn't remember anything about this show, except that the Starr of this show was comedian Roseanne Barr.
I have to say that watching this particular show this way, with the sound turned off, really helped open up a whole new perspective for me, especially in regards to communication skills and styles.  Almost from the moment the show begun I immediately thought that based on their facial expressions and over the top gestures, that they were obviously a very verbal, vociferous, and expressive group of individuals.  I also gathered that from the way that they interacted with each other, that they we're obviously portraying the roles of a family.  Based on some of their nonverbal behaviors throughout this episode, it would appear to me that they were feeling a bit anxious and nervous dealing with their present predicament. It's amazing how much you can really learn about a person or a group of people just by observing by a their actions, gestures, and body language, and especially when you don't have the distraction of sounds and language.

After I re-watched the show I would have to say that a lot of the assumptions I made about the characters, as well as the plot of the show were pretty much right on target.  And and I definitely think that was largely due to the fact, that I was strictly concentrating only on the characters, body language, facial expressions, and non-verbal skills and gestures.  And I suppose if I had been watching a show I know very well, or watch regularly, I don't think I would have picked up on some of those same cues as fast, or maybe not even at all.  I think this assignment definitely proves to me, that when we take the time to be more aware of a person's communication skills and styles, as well as our own, we would definitely be a more positve and effective communicator.


Saturday, November 3, 2012

A True Inspirational Mentor and Communicator

When I think of someone who demonstrates competent communication behaviors and skills, I immediately think of a person who has always been a strong role model, and mentor for me, both personally and professionally.  She is also the true definition of a person who constantly displays complete and effective competency in communication skills.

Mrs. Harris is a person that I met when I first was hired for Head-start, as a teacher more than 14 yrs. ago.  She has been a true source of inspiration for me, as a friend, a colleague, and now as a program manager for our agency.  And it was her who has constantly motivate me over the years, both personally, professionally, and especially academically.  She is also the person that instilled in me early on when I became a director, the importance of having good and effective communication skills with not only your staff, but also with the children and families of your center.  But of all her wonderful attributes, there is one qualities that I have always admired, and that is her constant display of outstanding and effective communication skills.  And it is these skills that she has used so many times to help motivate staff, teachers, as well as the parents and families throughout our agency.

Mrs. Harris is also a person that began her career as a parent volunteer, more than twenty years ago in our agency, but now through hard work, perseverance, and amazing abilities, she now works as a program manager under our executive director of our agency.  And I definitely feel that her vast experience as a parent, a teacher, a director, and now as a manager, together with her amazing and effective communication abilities as made her a true source of inspiration and motivation.  She has had such a powerful impact not only on myself, but also on so many other individuals within our agency, and after all isn't that what it's all about.  A person who can have such a powerful and lasting impression on others strictly based on their own amazing and effective abilities.  I definitely think so.