For this weeks assignment of exploring roles in the E.C.E Community I chose three local and state organizations or communities of practice that appealed to me based on what they provide as an organization, as well as how they inspire me as a future adult educator in the field of early childhood studies.
Kids N Care
The first organization I chose is Kids N Care. This particular organization is one that I am very familiar with and have been working with for many years as an advisor for their Cares Plus incentive Program. Kids N Care is an organization that provides many resources for children and families in San Bernardino County. Programs such as, Cares Plus, Child Care Adult Food Program, Licensed Providers, Resource and Referral Program, &Training Subsidized Programs. They also provide yearly stipends for early childhood educators that work in the field and participate in the Cares Plus Program.
First 5 San Bernardino
The second organization I chose is First 5 of San Bernardino, this is also an organization that I have been affiliated with over the years as a site supervisor and teacher trainer for Head-start. I have had the pleasure of working with First 5, as one of the delegates for our agency. This organization offers many resources and services for children ages 0 to 5 and their families in the county of San Bernardino. They also offer many resources and opportunities in regards to education for early childhood providers and educators in the county. In my opinion they are definitely an organization that stands by their vision and mission for the children and families in the community.
Our Vision
All children in San Bernardino County are healthy, safe, nurtured, eager to learn and ready to succeed.
Our Mission
Promote, support and enhance the health and early development of children prenatal through age five and their families and communities.
The Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
For my third choice I selected the organization entitled, "The Association for Childhood Education International". This charitable organization is dedicated to the promotion of of providing optimal education and development for all children.
Our mission is to promote and support the optimal education, development, and well-being of children
worldwide, and to influence the professional growth of educators and
the efforts of others who are committed to the needs of children in a
changing society. We have consultative status with the United Nations.
Kids N Care
First 5 San Bernardino
The Association for Childhood Education International(ACEI)
Kids N Care
The first organization I chose is Kids N Care. This particular organization is one that I am very familiar with and have been working with for many years as an advisor for their Cares Plus incentive Program. Kids N Care is an organization that provides many resources for children and families in San Bernardino County. Programs such as, Cares Plus, Child Care Adult Food Program, Licensed Providers, Resource and Referral Program, &Training Subsidized Programs. They also provide yearly stipends for early childhood educators that work in the field and participate in the Cares Plus Program.
First 5 San Bernardino
The second organization I chose is First 5 of San Bernardino, this is also an organization that I have been affiliated with over the years as a site supervisor and teacher trainer for Head-start. I have had the pleasure of working with First 5, as one of the delegates for our agency. This organization offers many resources and services for children ages 0 to 5 and their families in the county of San Bernardino. They also offer many resources and opportunities in regards to education for early childhood providers and educators in the county. In my opinion they are definitely an organization that stands by their vision and mission for the children and families in the community.
Our Vision
All children in San Bernardino County are healthy, safe, nurtured, eager to learn and ready to succeed.
Our Mission
Promote, support and enhance the health and early development of children prenatal through age five and their families and communities.
The Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI)
For my third choice I selected the organization entitled, "The Association for Childhood Education International". This charitable organization is dedicated to the promotion of of providing optimal education and development for all children.
Kids N Care
First 5 San Bernardino
The Association for Childhood Education International(ACEI)