Friday, December 16, 2011

Examing Codes of Ethics

NAEYC and DEC codes of ethics:


1-1.6-  To use assessment instruments and strategies that are appropriate for the children to be assessed, that are used only for the purposes for which they were designed, and that have the potential to benefit children.
 Significance:  These assessment instruments and strategies are significant to me both as a teacher and a supervisor in a preschool setting.  And that is because without these assessments how would we ever be able to first assess the children and then finally determine if they may or may not require any services.  Some examples of these assessment instruments we use to assess the children are the DRDP's, Acuscreens, and Communication profiles which screen and measure children's speech and language abilities.

1-1.7-  To use assessment information to understand and support children's development and learning, to support instruction, and to identify children who may need additional services.
 Significance:The significance of this ideal is that just like 1-1.6 this ideal is essential to determining if a child or children may or may not require additional services based on the information gathered from the assessment tool.  So for example a child is assessed by one of the assessment instruments then the information gathered from that information will show if that child is eligible for services.  And finally then the teacher or supervisor will begin the process of creating and then submitting a referral for that child.  Both these two ideals are extremely important because without them how would a child or children ever benefit by receiving the additional services they may require.

1-2.7- To share information about each child's education and development with families and to help them understand and appreciate the current knowledge base of the early childhood profession.
Significance: The significance of this ideal to me personally is that I think this is essential to a good working relationship between staff, Especially the teachers and the parents.  And that is because far to often there are still many parents out their that also see early childhood education as glorified babysitting.  So as professionals and educators in the field it is our job to help the parents see the importance of early childhood education to future success in school as well as in overall healthy growth and development.  And by providing them with information as well as various trainings in child development it will definitely help the parents see the importance of early childhood experiences for their children.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Course Resources for the Field of Early Childhood

http://www.naeyc.orgThe National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC)  Zero to ThreeNational Center for Infants, Toddlers and Families   The FPG Child Development Institute

http://   UNICEF  The World Forum Foundation

http://www.omep-usnc.orgThe World Organization for Early Childhood Education Association for Childhood Education International

http://www.dec-sped.orgThe Division for Early Childhood  The WESTED  The Harvard Letter Administration for Children and Families Head Starts National Research Conference


http://www.childrensdefense.orgThe Children's Defense Fund

http://www.ccw.orgThe Center for Child Care Workforce  The Council for Exceptional Children   The for Institute Women's Policy Research National Center for  Research on Early Childhood Education

http://www.nccanet.orgThe National Child Care Association

http://nieer.orgThe National Institute for Early Education Research


http://www.voices.orgThe Voices for America's Children

http://www.erikson.eduThe Erikson Institute

Additional Resources:    Established in1991. Kids N Care San Bernardino County Superintendent of Schools.      About Abrams Learning Trends: PreK5 StandardsBased Curriculum and Intervention Materials from the Letter People Publisher.

One of our Early Head Start sites (Yucca Valley Early Head Start) was highlighed on Today Show.

 Selected Professional Journals Available in the Walden Library

  • YC Young Children

  • Childhood

  • Journal of Child & Family Studies

  • Child Study Journal

  • Multicultural Education

  • Early Childhood Education Journal

  • Journal of Early Childhood Research

  • International Journal of Early Childhood

  • Early Childhood Research Quarterly

  • Developmental Psychology

  • Social Studies

  • Maternal & Child Health Journal

  • International Journal of Early Years Education